Title 1 parent involvement grand prize winners announced. (Not pictured: Lydia Eggeman)
Thanks to all who participated. #StingersUp #RiseUp pic.twitter.com/QNgWE1qUeo
Due to Jackson County's rising Covid-19 numbers, Seymour Community Schools will be moving to a hybrid instructional model in grades 6 through 12 following state recommendations. Elementary schools will continue in person instruction under the state's guidance. pic.twitter.com/g7FGd4kUxY
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) October 14, 2020Spanish Translation: https://t.co/SfQIlmIWuf
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) October 9, 2020Good afternoon,
We have a loaded newsletter for you. It was a very successful first marking period of the school year. We hope you have a wonderful fall break with your family following e-learning days. #RiseUp https://t.co/HBhszhdh0J
Huge shoutout to our students on a record setting walkathon. 100% of the money raised goes back to students and teachers at Redding. #RiseUp https://t.co/XHLm9oU6UD
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) October 9, 2020Today’s (9-28) walkathon festivities are postponed. Classes scheduled for today will now walk on Friday. Please talk to students about dressing appropriately for weather as temperatures are expected to be much lower this week.
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 28, 2020Picture Day is Wed. Sept. 23rd. Remote Learners are welcome to stop in for pictures between 1:00 - 2:00 pm. If you are currently home due to quarantine, please plan to take your student pictures on re-take day, Nov. 4th.
online orders: https://t.co/wRmgNHnfbi code EVTRD6K3V.
Our K-2nd grade Leaders of the Month have shown some great leadership qualities to begin the 2020-21 school year. We are very excited to watch them grow! #StingersUp #RiseUp #Soar2x Not pictured, Bauer F. pic.twitter.com/2k6WsAwPtL
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 11, 2020Big News- all students will receive school meals for free beginning on Monday. A new waiver is available through the USDA that will allow all students to receive school meals (breakfast and lunch)for free until December 31st, or until funding is depleted, whichever occurs first. pic.twitter.com/9R1LfIy11c
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 11, 2020All SCSC students will begin receiving free meals on Monday, September 14th. Parents do not need to do anything to enroll in this program, and it does not change their student's income eligibility status for meal and textbook assistance.
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 11, 2020Parents should continue to apply for meal benefits and textbook assistance for the 2020-21 school year. Once this waiver period ends, we will resume our regular program. Parents may still send money to school for students to purchase extra servings and a la carte items.
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 11, 2020Redding Parents,
Please take a moment to check out our monthly newsletter. We have a few important announcements including E-Learning dates and guidance, school pictures, walk-a-thon, college go week theme days, and more. https://t.co/HBhszhdh0J #StingersUp #RiseUp
Redding Elementary is seeking organized and dedicated parents to fill officer positions in our Parent Teacher Organization. If you are interested in serving as an officer, or a committee member, please email your interest to Mr. Bush (bushs@scsc.k12.in.us).
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 8, 2020Swish tryout forms for 2nd-5th grade boys have been delivered to all schools and available for your son to pick up in the main office. We look forward to seeing our future Owls in action at tryouts next week. #GoOwls pic.twitter.com/s9i4GFqTZ0
— Seymour Owls Boys Basketball (@BoysOwls) September 8, 2020Swish tryout forms for 2nd-5th grade boys have been delivered to all schools and available for your son to pick up in the main office. We look forward to seeing our future Owls in action at tryouts next week. #GoOwls pic.twitter.com/s9i4GFqTZ0
— Seymour Owls Boys Basketball (@BoysOwls) September 8, 2020Reminder to all SCSC families. Tuesday, September 15th will be an E-Learning day for all students. Today is the last day to submit a lunch order for Redding students wishing to purchase school lunches. pic.twitter.com/rG4GMBDyjP
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 8, 2020Seymour Swish tryout information announced for boys in grades 2-5. Looking forward to working with our next generation of Owl Hoops. #GoOwls pic.twitter.com/1YhKLiDJCH
— Seymour Owls Boys Basketball (@BoysOwls) September 2, 2020Seymour Swish tryout information announced for boys in grades 2-5. Looking forward to working with our next generation of Owl Hoops. #GoOwls pic.twitter.com/1YhKLiDJCH
— Seymour Owls Boys Basketball (@BoysOwls) September 2, 2020Hey folks, give us follow! We will keep you updated on what we’re doing, current information, and just some fun stuff in general. pic.twitter.com/vWHu3Z7Sxi
— Seymour SROs (@SeymourSros) June 4, 2020Hey folks, give us follow! We will keep you updated on what we’re doing, current information, and just some fun stuff in general. pic.twitter.com/vWHu3Z7Sxi
— Seymour SROs (@SeymourSros) June 4, 2020