For your consideration this summer. Try to carve out some time in your routines for reading with your child.
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) June 7, 2020With wearing a mask being recommended, not required, when social distancing isn't possible, the Indiana Department of Education put together this helpful information about mask wearing and mask care we wanted to share with you.
— SMS Owls (@gosmsowls) July 10, 2020With wearing a mask being recommended, not required, when social distancing isn't possible, the Indiana Department of Education put together this helpful information about mask wearing and mask care we wanted to share with you.
— SMS Owls (@gosmsowls) July 10, 2020Incredible news for our students and families. It’s truly remarkable that we are able to do these updates and renovations without asking our community to increase taxes. Thanks to all for the support!
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) July 11, 2020A frequently asked question revolves around registration for returning students. This summer, SCSC has converted to a new student information database, which is nearing rollover completion. As soon as registration information is available, we will announce immediately.
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) July 13, 2020We hope to have it available soon. Thanks to all for your patience and due diligence. It’s extremely appreciated.
If you have questions regarding online learning, including how to sign up, please e-mail Mr. Bush:
Redding families, please take a few minutes to look over this newsletter on our reopening plans and back to school information.
Please keep your questions and comments coming via email to Mr. Bush.
Important news on Kindergarten Orientation, Virtual Open House, Registration, and more in “back to school, edition 2.” #StingersUp #RiseUp
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) July 22, 2020Welcome to the 2020-21 school year.
Please see newsletter #3 with important back to school information. #StingersUp #RiseUp
Rise Up Redding! Mr. Floyd has a special message to launch the 2020-21 school year. #StingersUp #RiseUp
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) August 4, 2020Please click on your child’s teacher to view custom back to school information in our 2020-21 Virtual Open House. We can’t wait to see the students on Monday. #RiseUp #StingersUp
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) August 6, 2020Great opportunity for girls in grades 3 and up.
Click below to sign up.
How Can Parents Help with Online Learning?
— Sean Junkins (@sjunkins) August 16, 2020Good stuff here for parents.
— Steve Bush (@JTAgolf) August 17, 2020Good stuff here for parents.
— Steve Bush (@JTAgolf) August 17, 2020The U.S. Census Bureau will end all counting efforts for the 2020 Census on Sept. 30, a month sooner than previously announced. Indiana’s response rate is 68 percent. Please encourage staff/families to complete the census. IDOE resources can be found here:
— IN Dept of Education (@EducateIN) August 25, 2020The U.S. Census Bureau will end all counting efforts for the 2020 Census on Sept. 30, a month sooner than previously announced. Indiana’s response rate is 68 percent. Please encourage staff/families to complete the census. IDOE resources can be found here:
— IN Dept of Education (@EducateIN) August 25, 2020Our 3rd-5th grade Leaders of the Month have risen up to the leadership challenge to begin the 2020-21 school year. We are very proud of these young folks! #StingersUp #RiseUp #Soar2x
— Redding Elementary (@reddingschool) September 1, 2020Be on the lookout for Picture Day information coming soon.
Picture Day is Sept. 23!