E-Learning Google Classroom Reminder Please visit your Google Classrooms for your E-Learning assignments.
Link to Google Classroom
Specials Schedule
Monday-Art - Mrs. Ashley Shuffett Tuesday-Computer Lab Wednesday-Library - Mrs. Susan Kaiser Thursday-Music - Mrs. Carolyn Jones Friday-PE - Mrs. Amber Williams
Lexia and iReady
Your student has Lexia and iReady goals every week. iReady-45 minutes per week with TWO lessons passed. Lexia-Individualized minutes (20-80 minutes) AND units (4-16). Your child's specific goal is on the Lexia web page. Reminder: Log in to iReady, Lexia, and IXL through Clever.
Other School Services
ELL Staff: Jennifer Hildreth (Teacher) Mindy Lasater (Teacher) Ada Fontanez (Instructional Assistant) Huang Wang (Instructional Assistant) Carina Munoz (Instructional Assistant) Resource Staff: Steffen Lewis (Teacher) Rhonda Burden (Instructional Assistant) Michelle Loebker (Instructional Assistant)
Please see teacher web pages or Google Classroom. |