Welcome to Our Class Web Page!
In the event of an e-Learning Day, please visit our Google Classroom. Google Classroom Link: https://classroom.google.com Use the laminated card in your child's Redding folder and/or agenda to log into his/her Google account. Related Arts Schedule: Monday - P.E. - See Mrs. Williams' Class Webpage Help for Logging into Student Programs (i-Ready, Lexia, Wonders, etc.) *Please see the attached document below and/or the WebLink for more help logging into Clever.
If your child sees the following teachers please use their email address to contact them.
Resource Teacher- Mrs. Easton English Language Learners Teacher- Mrs. Hildreth Specials Teachers- Art: Mrs. Shuffett Gym: Mrs. Williams Library: Mrs. Kaiser Music: Mrs. Jones Instructional Assistants- Leah Schafer - Abby Mains - Steve Stanfield stanfields@scsc.k12.in.us READING
Students may visit the Redding favorites site, and log into Clever. After logging into Clever, they can practice their vocabulary words, spelling words, and even listen to the weekly reading story. MATH
www.xtramath.org **This is a great site to practice math fluency. Students use this site in class. www.multiplication.com **Don't let the name fool you. :) On this site you can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can take online tests which are timed and graded online, or you can play math games to practice facts. Prodigy Log into Prodigy through Redding favorites. Here you can practice math skills that are individualized for you! SPELLING
Log into https://www.spellingcity.com to practice your spelling words.
Our Schedule
Special Classes (9:45-10:25 daily) Monday: P.E. |