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Laura Burbrink
Teacher Room Number
Room 311
Teacher Phone Number
522-5621 ext. 2311

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Created: Aug 4, 2010
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Updated: Aug 24, 2020
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E-Learning Day link
Log onto Google Classroom to find messages and assignments.  Your teacher can check in on you using  Go Guardian.  Please make sure you fill out the check in form by 9:00 each school day.  
Helpful learning sites

For each of these, log onto the Redding My Favs page to get access.  Use your  Clever log in.

Wonders Reading-  This will allow you to access skills we are working on this week.  https://www.mheducation.com/prek-12/program/wonders-2020/MKTSP-BGA07M0.html

iReady- You may continue the progress you have made so far in math and reading skills. https://login.i-ready.com/

Multiplication.com- This site allows you to practice addition and subtraction facts.https://www.multiplication.com/


Prodigy-  You may play games to practice math skills.  https://play.prodigygame.com/

Math IXL-  Choose the math skills which you need the most help.  https://www.ixl.com/math/



First Grading Period Priority Standards

Image result for state standards

State Standard for Language Arts:


Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text  to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. 



State standard for math:


Solve real-world problems involving addition and subraction within 100 in situations of adding to, taking away from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing,  with unknowns in all parts of the addition or subtraction problem. 

We will learn about the six traits of writing :  Ideas, voice, word choice, conventions, sentence fluency, and organization.  We will work on improving our writing through these areas all year. 

Related Arts Classes

Monday        Computer Lab

Tuesday     Gym-  remember tennis shoes
Wednesday  Music

Thursday   Art

Friday        Library