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Welcome to Our Class Web Page
e-Learning Day Information

Classroom E-Learning Day Lessons:

In the event of an E-Learning Day, please visit our Google Classroom site for class instruction infomation.  Please use the stickers in your child's Redding Folder and/or agenda to log into his/her Google account.  

Google Classroom Link:   https://classroom.google.com

Logging into Google Classroom with Clever

Clever Link:  Redding Favorites

Video Tutorial Link:  Video Tutorial


Related Arts Lessons on an E-Learning Day:

Monday- Library  Please see Mrs. Kratoska's Google Classroom page.

Tuesday- ART  Please see Mrs. Criminger's Google Classroom page.

Wednesday- Computer Lab- Please work on your goal work for i-Ready Reading and i-Ready Math.

Thursday- GYM  Please see Mrs. Williams' Google Classroom page.

Friday-  MUSIC  Please see Mrs. Jones' Google Classroom page.


E-Learning Day-Help for Logging into Student Programs (i-Ready, Wonders, etc.) 

***Please see the attached document (Below) for more help logging into Clever.

Classroom Links
**Students may visit the Redding favorites site, and log into Clever.  After logging into Wonders, they can practice their vocabulary words, spelling words, and even listen to the weekly reading story.  Have fun practicing!  

Spelling City
**Students can log into Clever, and choose the Spelling City link to practice their weekly spelling words.  They can play games and even take practice tests!
**You may also practice for the IREAD and ILearn test by clicking on the links to the right.
Below are a couple of links students are encouraged to use to boost their math fluency.

**This is a great site to practice math fluency.  Students are working on answering questions fluently.

**Don't let the name fool you.  :)  On this site you can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  Your child can take online tests which are timed and graded online, or your child can play math games to practice their facts.  

**Students can log into Prodigy through Redding favorites.  Here they can practice math skills that are individualized to their learning level!  

Our Schedule
Special Classes  10:30-11:10
  • Monday   Library
  • Tuesday  Art
  • Wednesday  Computer Lab
  • Thursday  P.E.
  • Friday   Music

Lunch  12:40-1:10
Recess  1:10-1:40

Grading Scale
92-100    A
83-91      B
74-82      C
65-73      D
64 and below  F

Collapse Information Clip Contact Me!
Teacher Icon
Kylene Steward
Teacher Room Number
Teacher Phone Number
812-522-5621 ext 2319

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Created: Aug 4, 2010
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Updated: Mar 9, 2022
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