Please go to google classroom and complete the activities listed. If you have not been on my google classroom from the device you are using you may need a code. Email me if you need the class code. Look on the right and click on the link.
You will also need to go to clever and do any activities listed for the teachers of our special classes. You can get to clever from the Redding page. ( near the bottom of the page)
If you need other things to keep you from getting bored check out the links listed to the right. I have also added a link for I-Ready math at home site for math practice.
If you have any questions or need help with any of this you may email me at .
There are lots of really good educational sites popping up now to help during this tiime. Feel free to check these out. It is important to keep reading and writing and practicing basic math facts.
Please do not let your child eat or drink while using the school chrome book. Charge the chrome book each night. Remind your child to bring it back to school everyday.