Lois Bryden
My Page

Google Classroom Reminder

Please visit Mrs. Bryden's math Google classroom for your E Learning assignments.

Homeroom You can also visit Mrs. Bryden's homeroom for any additional information 

LEXIA and IREADY goals

Each week students are responsible for reaching the school goal minutes on their Chromebook for our individualized programs in Math (IREADY) and Reading (IREADY). The IREADY goal for everyone is 45 minutes each week.  IREADY Reading goals will be determined during the first weeks of school.

Specials Teachers elearning/websites
Google join codes for our specials classes are:
Music - fdkcxbm
Art - zbylexj
PE - cvetk5a
Library - yzr3yui
Remember we visit:
PE on Mondays
Music on Tuesdays,
Art on Wednesdays 
Library on Thursdays
Computer Lab on Fridays